Elaine Miranda


商學院 Elaine Miranda


Last hours in Hyderabad


I’m leaving in two hours. Wow! Time does fly. I still feel like I just got here, like I just finished unpacking, and now I have to start packing again.

India has been a wonderful experience, this mystical country has fascinated me more than I ever thought possible, and I have enjoyed my months here enormously. Sure, I’ve had some rough experiences –who hasn’t? - Like the one in the Mumbai airport. But when you weight the good against the bad, the positive side is, without doubt, much heavier.

I came to India mainly for 2 reasons:

  1. India is one of those countries that I had ALWAYS wanted to go to. And although you can always go for a holiday and spend a few days there, to actually live in the country for a couple of months is the only way to truly absorb this ancient culture. So when I saw the opportunity to do an exchanger here, I took it.
  2. It was a personal challenge. I had lived in Mexico for 5 years and in Taiwan for one a half years, but going to India meant being in a totally unknown country, by myself, where I knew no one. In both the other countries, I somehow knew people, family or friends that I could always reach out to: but to India I was coming on my own –without wanting to sound dramatic- to survive. And I loved the experience. I truly feel that after living here, I can live anywhere.

The best part about traveling is not the places you get to go to (although it is certainly an important part) but the people you meet... because in the end, that’s what is all about, right? The people. The memories we carry along are almost never of landscapes and monuments, but of the moments you spent there and the people you were with: it is them, who build those moments of happiness you will never forget.

And that is what I value the most about this experience: the incredible people I met.

Starting with the 3 girls I shared an apartment with: Harneet Chawla, Sakshi Malhotra, and Bhavneet Kaur. Each one of them different, but all with a huge heart, always willing to help, listen and guide me in this country. I shared 3 months with them, and 2 of them have just left for their homes… I, I already miss them. This apartment without them feels weird, there is no noise, no fuss.


Email: crhuang@nccu.edu.tw
Tel: +886-2-2938-7911    Fax: +886-2-2938-7882
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