

IMBA 紀洛頤

It’s been a month since we got here, so I thought it might be a good idea to give you an update of what is going on. It’s been a very cold month thus far. Some say it has been the coldest winter in decades. Coming from Taiwan and its warm tropical climate this has required major adjustments on my behalf. I’ve lived in cold places before, but this is not like anything I have experienced before. Just for you to get a sense of it, it has been close to -20°. If any part of your body was exposed to the cold, it felt like thousands of needles 
were jabbed into your skin. Those were obvious days were you tried to stay indoors. On top of that, we have had a couple of snow days, where staying at home was almost a must. 


Email: crhuang@nccu.edu.tw
Tel: +886-2-2938-7911    Fax: +886-2-2938-7882
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