

科管所 王冠智



The Danish people are very similar in some ways compare to the Taiwanese people. Most of us grow up from a somewhat negative environment (kids grow up hearing things like: you can’t do this, you won’t succeed…) Both Taiwan and Denmark are small, aware the lack of natural resources and needs to be connected to the ‘big brother’ in order to survive.

Danish people makes bad jokes. A kind of black humor that I don’t really understand. Alcohol plays a big part in their life. I was told that during a school related kids party, (I forgot was it for high school, middle school or even elementary school) parents have to sign a paper saying how many cans of beer the kid is allowed to drink.

Students who I have met have been very hardworking in general. Everyone is full time, everyone is involved with some sort of student organization and everyone is working at the same time.

Danish people tries to catch all opportunity that comes across. I was called by some other people and they were asking me whether I know how to speak Chinese. I often reply them in English. However, they keep talking to me in mandarin Chinese and wanted exchange my phone number to help them practice.

From what I’ve seen the infrastructure of the society is very well established. There is free Wi-Fi almost everywhere you go including on the buses trains. There is no gate when entering a subway station or a train station. Danish people are very lawful.

If you want to be quickly integrated into the Danish society, I recommend you to join the student clubs, especially those that you’re already interested in while you are in Taiwan. A common interest is always easier to bring people together. If you are into startup and entrepreneurial world, I can give you several good hits. The Startup Digest Copenhagen is a great way to get connected with all the local news and events. Just do a Google search and sign up for the newsletter. Go to their calendar from time to time. You will be busy with all the meetings, seminars and parties. “Meet up.com” is also a good place to go for local events. If you like food there is the event called Copenhagen cooking in early October. It brings in many famous restaurants and allows you to have a taste of their best samples.

Transportation in Copenhagen is quite easy, you can either get a subway ticket or a monthly card or just go around by bike that the entire city is much smaller compared to Taipei almost everywhere is likable distance. You can easily visit several tourist attractions within a day on a bike in an afternoon. There are two design museums within Copenhagen about fight kilometers apart but the best way to get in touch with their design is by visiting their concept stores which are located everywhere within the city. Searching on Google map will reveal several concept stores which are near the lakes.

Every Thursday, in while the men buildings with a CBS, the Nexus, will be hosting a Thursday party by students. Sometimes the party is sponsored by large corporations to make himself well known by the student’s while the other times is arranged by the student clubs. The party is exclusive for CBS students only therefore you have to bring your students ID to get in.

It’s cool party is not enough for you begin care ready in house and head out around 12:00 to an Airport which is to say the city center and the party will probably start after thalf and last until five or 6:00 AM.


Email: crhuang@nccu.edu.tw
Tel: +886-2-2938-7911    Fax: +886-2-2938-7882
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